Made in USA

Safety Relief Valve for Refrigeration Systems


  • Manufactured to meet the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XIII and ANSI/ASHRAE 15 Compliancy. “UV” and “NB” Marked.
  • Used in Refrigerant Service vapor applications only
  • Provides pressure protection for Compressors and Pressure Vessels


Pressure Range Orifice size Inlet Outlet Materials of Construction Temperature Range Applications
50-400 PSI 1/2” 1/2” Female NPT, 3/4” Female NPT and 1/2” Male NPT 3/4” and 1” Female NPT Body: Ductile Iron or Carbon Steel
Seat Seal: PTFE
Moving Components: Stainless Steel
-20 to 275° F Suitable for Ammonia and Halocarbon refrigerants

Product Sizing App

Product Sizing & Selector Software

Software Download (For Windows XP)

Installation Instructions for Windows XP

  1. Unzip downloded zip file in folder c:\keepflo
  2. Locate file setup.exe under folder c:\keepflo
  3. Double click on setup.exe and follow the instructions

Software Download (for Vista/Windows 7)

Installation Instructions for Vista / Windows 7

  1. Unzip downloded zip file in folder c:\keepflo
  2. Locate file keepflo.exe under folder c:\keepflo
  3. Right click on keepflo.exe and choose ‘Pin to Taskbar’
  4. Keeflo shortcut icon will appear in your taskbar
  5. Click keepflo icon on taskbar to execute keepflo program

Distributor Loading vs. Pressure Drop

Actual load as a % of published rating (corrected for liquid temperature and/or tube length if necessary) Refrigerant
R-134a / R-12 R-22 / R-404A / R-502 / R-507 R-410A
∆P Nozzle (psi) ∆P Tubes and Passages (psi) ∆P Nozzle (psi) ∆P Tubes and Passages (psi) ∆P Nozzle (psi) ∆P Tubes and Passages (psi)
50 4 3 7 3 12 3
60 6 4 10 4 17 4
70 8 5 13 5 21 6
80 10 6 16 6 26 7
90 12 8 20 8 30 9
100 15 10 25 10 35 10
110 18 12 30 12 40 12
120 20 14 35 14 44 13
130 22 16 38 16 49 15
140 24 18 40 18 53 16
150 27 21 43 21 58 18
160 29 23 46 24 62 20
170 31 25 49 27 67 21
180 33 27 52 30 71 23
190 36 29 54 32 76 25
200 38 31 57 34 80 26